I delved into my dwindling stock of excuses and pulled out the one on top: I make goofy smiles: toothy and lopsided.
No response.
My skin is blotchy. I need to deliver grapes to my starving next-door neighbor. I need more air in my tires. The goldfish wants some company.
Still no response.
They're wearing me out. Darn it, they're catching on.
As you might have guessed by now (and if you haven't, run, don't walk to the nearest mental health center), I don't like to have my photo taken. I'm fine on one side of the camera but make an appalling subject. Part of it is because the image captured just isn't that cute high school senior anymore. It's just an average almost-senior.
Ok, I know, I know. Stop the denial and ridiculous vanity. I've delayed long enough. Even my sweet-natured friends are getting angry.
Let's see if I can keep my June 12 appointment and not chicken out. If anyone in cyberland has any suggestions, please contact me ASAP.
Go to a day spa and have a makeup lesson. Tell them you want a *natural look* for a photo session.
You don't want to look too made up.
Also visit your hairdresser and have a daytime hairstyle done the day of the photo session.
And don't forget also that professional photography studios can do magic with airbrushing tiny flaws that we all *think* we have.
Good luck and most importantly, relax and have fun with it.
Just be yourself and have fun!!! Get photographed in a natural setting
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll make any excuse to visit a day spa. As a matter of fact, I just ran into a lady at Costco who works at day spa near me (you think that's a sign?). My hairdresser will cut and color my hair 2 days prior (then she skips town for vacation). I'll try to chill. Natural looks and natural settings appeal to me as I'm a casual gal. Thanks again.
Use the photo I have of you on the playground horsie. I'll email it to you.
Somehow I suspect that the photo of my riding a playground horsie may not be the head or other shot a professional photographer would bet his profession on. Could he just take a close-up of the horse and excuse me from the whole photo-op? Maybe no one would notice.
Well, I need to throw in my thoughts now that I've just finished processing the images from our shoot. You look great! I'd like to think it was due to my camera wizardry, but you can't go wrong when you have a good subject. Well done!
Hi Rod,
My guess is that a great photographer is one who knows what features to hide! Thanks for making the process so easy.
P.S. What a cute family you have, Rod!
I haven’t had a good picture of myself in 20 years. (no fault of the photographer!)
Hi LN,
I finally had my photos taken and thanks to the photographer, it wasn't as horrific as I expected it to be. I would have loved him to touch up things (like my WHOLE face) but I'll learn deal with it. I'm no longer a spring chicken. More like a tired hen!!!
I think you're gorgeous.!!!
What part do you find so gorgeous? Oh, I know. You like my smile!
Look at it this way. Isn't it better to look natural than have people gossip about what you've done to your face? We live in a society that places too much emphasis on youth. Just like a good wine, we can get better with age. It's our perceptions that turn to vinegar. (I must however confess that I've regrown my bangs in order to cover my deepening forehead wrinkles).
Laura Hamlett
Valencia, California
I feel so fortunate I don't need to rely on my looks and stay perpetually young like the stars. I love being this age--and I guess if that is reflected with deepening wrinkles, so be it.
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