Showing posts with label boomer wellness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boomer wellness. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Oldsters, Don Your Walking Shoes to Improve Your Health

The oldest old (about 85 years+) can benefit from even a little physical activity, according to Dr. Jeremy Jacobs, a geriatric specialist at Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem.

"As little as four hours a week was as beneficial as more vigorous or prolonged activity. "

It's never to late to start, either. Just walk in short intervals several times a day and you 'll increase your chances of seeing your granddaughter on her wedding day (and maybe you'll be first on the dance floor!).

A side benefit to all this--less depression, loneliness and a greater ability to perform daily tasks.

So get moving.

For more on walking to maintain your health, visit

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Live to 100: How Boomers and Seniors Reach Triple Digits

Thanks to the research of Jody Fransch, we boomers and seniors can improve our likelihood of reaching triple digits.

Our genes play a huge role, she says, but so does being active for 30 minutes a day, eating 5 daily servings of fresh fruits and veggies, and avoiding tobacco and excess alcohol.

Here's how:

1. Stay active. Don't retire.

2. Floss your teeth regularly. The bacteria that builds up on them may be clogging your arteries.

3. Exercise. It improves your mood, mental sharpness, balance, muscle mass and bones.

4. Get your ZZZZZ's. Sleep regulates and heals cells so get at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

5. Eat whole foods, not supplements.

6. Become a creature of habit if you already aren't one. Centenarians tend to adhere to strict routines.

7. Focus on family and community.

For some of the best tools to help you live to 100, try this site.

For more on anti-aging, check out