Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nutritional Supplements Help With Major Depression

Up to 10% of people will suffer from some major depressive disorder some time in their lives.

A small study lead by a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. George Papakostas, found that adding a costly nutritional supplement to a patient's antidepressant treatment improved their symptoms.

Called S-Adenosyl Methionine or SAMe, the supplement that is sold over-the-counter had fewer side effects than some FDA-approved prescribed medications.

Information taken from MedlinePlus, health information from the National Library of Medicine

For more on depression and nutritional supplements, visit

1 comment:

Diane J Standiford said...

I am all for nature and not Big Pharma helping us. I say always at least TRY a natural path first.