A constant problem for us was--you guessed it--money. We joined parents for meals as often as our schedules would permit. We were both scrawny in those days so our food budget wasn't much.
But (and this is a big BUT) I always liked clothes. Occasionally, I'd purchase something from K-Mart or its equivalent. Then there were birthday (remember the days when they couldn't come fast enough?).
I'd play a game with myself. If there are any shrinks analyzing this blog, I realize I am in big trouble.
Anyhow, I'd buy clothes but I'd leave the tags on. When I got the "wanting thing" out of my mind, I'd return the items. I felt like I owned the garment but once "needing it" passed, I reclaimed my money.
It's not much different now.
You retailers must despise people like me.
On a slimmed down retirement income I find myself reverting back clothes-wise to my 20's. If I see something that I "must have," I'll buy it. Hold it. Think about it. Until I become indifferent about it.
Then off I go back to the store.
I have a friend who is just like you when purchasing clothes. I always have assumed that she was just indecisive but perhaps that is her reason for returning items.
Hmmm food for thought.
at the same time, don't deprive yourself. Especially since it IS your birthday.
Hi Bear,
Thanks for your response and understanding. I can't speak for your friend but another reason I used to feed this habit: I could prolong the hunt for just the right article of clothing. Once I found it and kept it, the fun was over!
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