Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Appropriate Activities for Grandparent and Grandchild

I woke up in the middle of the night to a belly laugh and then the trembling of someone trying to stifle his hilarity.

I turned to Bob and asked what he was dreaming.

"We were at an amusement park. You were pushing (barely one-year-old) Nicole’s stroller and stopped to ask if I noticed anything different about her. I looked around the side of the stroller and saw our smiling granddaughter with dyed blue spiky hair!"

Okay, I admit that even in real life I’ve been known to do wacky (I prefer “creative”) things but I’ll spare you for now.

Should you want to know what you might do with your grandchildren that is more suitable, visit some of these websites for tips:

Now excuse me, please. I need to go to the bathroom to try to remove some of this blue dye from my hands.

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