Which of them had left the door to their apartment open? Who was to blame for this embarrassing slipup? And who had the burden of retrieving the missing member of their family?
Let's go back a step. Erin loves dogs. Even though she grew up with them, it wasn't until fairly recently that she discovered that she absolutely must have one in her household. Sky, on the other hand, never had a dog so it's possible he could be swayed either way.
Both work long hours so the idea of a dog watching hi-def t.v. in their apartment all day had to be put on hold until a satisfactory temporary replacement could be found.
Enter Roomba. Roomba is active but she is both quiet and friendly. She doesn't need to be fed. She doesn't even need bathroom privileges. Combined with the fact that she helps with the vacuuming, she was the image of the perfect pet.
Perfection, however, has its limits. Roomba, on occasion, has been known to disappear--under a bed, behind a piece of furniture, down the hall of an apartment complex if someone leaves the door open.
Should you be in the market for a pet (the mechanical kind) and want to know its pluses and minuses, check out Consumer Reports.