How, you ask? Drum roll...........The U.S. government is getting into blogging. Big time.
The ASY (American Supports You) Live Blog, an extension of the Department of Defense, highlights citizen and corporate support of our troops.
The Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention blogs about injury and violence prevention.
Discuss U.S. foreign policy with senior State Department officials on Dipnote.
Learn about energy efficiency and renewable technologies at home, on the road and in the workplace at Energy Savers.
Gov Gab's 7 bloggers share practical, useful tips and information to help you make life a little simpler. Learn about saving gas, smart shopping, checking your credit report, etc.
The Middle Class Task Force works with federal agencies to study key issues facing the middle class (the under-represented class, asserts Car-Man).
Have something to say about our cherished land? Check into National Parks or Take Pride in America.
Learn from and dialog with Peace Corps volunteers.
Finally, if you want to converse with the White House, go not further than the White House Blog. Lend your insights, experience and expertise to improve the government and strengthen democracy by visiting White House Open Government Blog.
Super! I know Mr. President wants to hear from me. He will have PLENTY of time to blog. hahahahahha
Give him a dose of you, Diane, and he'd get those researchers moving on a cure for MS.
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