1. Generous compensation and time-off to commission only and one week "paid" vacation
2. Giving orders to taking orders
3. Status and prestige to, well, you know...
4. Large, corner office to desk by the window
More and more of our friends and acquaintances are finding themselves thrown back into the job pool. The blows to ego and personal finance are depressing and frightening especially if you're over 50.
Check out Workforce50 where employers who are committed to hiring baby boomers and older workers advertise their jobs. RetiredBrains welcomes those looking for jobs, volunteer opportunities, educational resources and retirement information. Search for a part-time job, a temporary job or project assignment or a full-time job. Since I don't have personal experience with either site, let me know what you think.
Car-man, thanks for making the trade-off so that we can live in a nicer place and be closer to our grandkids. You're my hero.
It sounds like you and Car Man make a great team and view your trade offs as trade ups! Another great post! Keep it up!
Oh Susie, I love this. It's so wonderful to know you, and read all about your life. You are such a love.
Shirley P.S. I tried to call your mom, but she wasn't feeling well. hope she's better. :(
This is an excellent post and will be helpful to many looking for work. I have a quick question for the author of the blog but I don't know how to reach you other than by posting. I subscribed a long time ago to your blog and can't find any contact info for you. Please help.
Thanks, roselady. I really love to hear from readers and am very glad I can help. For contact info, check out my website, www.50somethinginfo.com. Also, please be aware that the blog is just the tip-of-the-iceberg. The website has much more information and I'm continually adding more.
Happy New Year,
Great post.
For those of your readers in the Santa Barbara area, SBCC is about to present a series of six classes for folks of boomer age and older regarding mature work. The classes are free, but sign-up is required on the SBCC adult ed site. For those NOT in the SB area, you can follow along on the site for the class:
Don Lubach, SBCC Instructor
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