Thus, I plan to continue to inundate you folks with the fruits of my research until you cry, "Uncle."
Here goes:
The U.S. Government supplies more information than you ever want to know. Find out the top 10 ways to prepare for retirement or factors that may affect retirement benefits (and see the effect of retirement earnings on your Social Security benefits).
If you need help at home and want to know what to buy, check out one of my favorite internet "stores." This site is not only easy to use, it is clean and clear and is backed by the Better Business Bureau.
I'm a fan of the Rodale Prevention Books. Look no further than The Doctors Book of Home Remedies and Disease Free at 60 Plus.
Are you thinking about remodeling. Don't make a move until you check out AARP home design. By making your home accessible to people of all ages, you provide comfort for yourself throughout your lifetime and increase the value of your house for subsequent buyers.