Sunday, November 20, 2011

Skin Care Shouldn't Cost You An Arm and a Leg

Below are some suggestions on how you can look great without spending gobs of money.

1. Apply chilled cucumber slices or chilled used caffeinated tea bags to your eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

2. Take a bath with lavender-scented bath oils.

3. Spray or pat on filtered water on your face and finish with Pond's Cold Cream or Noxema Deep Cleansing Cream.

4. Use an inexpensive microdermabrasion product no more than twice a week. These include Queen Helene Oatmeal 'n Honey Natural Face Scrub or Clearasil Stay Clear Daily Facial Scrub.

For more on skin care and aging skin, visit

1 comment:

Julia said...

Such things happened a few years ago...If you wanted to have a botox or laser hair removal or other similar cosmetic treatments an arm and a leg were not enough:)) maybe the house if you had a big one.
But now things changed and these treatments are more affordable. I recently had botox in Toronto and it wasn't such a big financial effort.