Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Vitamin D to the Rescue

Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, can enhance the body's ability to fend off infections, help prevent heart disease, increase bone health, enhance moods, prevent some cancers, and protect against some autoimmune diseases and diabetes.

Because many seniors do not get 15 minutes of sunlight a day and do not each food rich in vitamin D (fatty fish, fortified milk), it may be wise to take a supplement.

Ask your physician if you should be taking the recommended amount for 51-70 year olds (400IU) or 71+ year olds (600 IU).

Studies have shown that vitamin D also helps with memory, attention, and logic.

For more on vitamins and supplements, visit

1 comment:

b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

This is very good...once you begin this you will actually feel better.
