Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Helping the Sex Drive

Some scientists have discovered ways to get your motor running:

1. Sweet smells stimulate sexy feelings, according to Alan Hirsch, M.D. The foods that got the best results? Doughnuts for men. Banana bread for women. Or black licorice for both.

2. Exercise. Women who get 20 minutes of aerobic exercise and men who exercise 3-4 times a week benefit the most.

3. Banish the television from the bedroom.

4. Women find men sexier if they help with housework.

5. Snuggle.

For more information, visit Men's Health (Sex) and Women's Health (Sex).


Unknown said...

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Hannah Bevills

Diane J Standiford said...

Being in a happy 31 year relationship I can tell you that my partner and I find each other sexier than ever. We have never forgotten what got us here, and we don't "let our body's go"---what helps is a healthy sense of humor as one ages, we will never be 21 again and that's ok, we laugh at comparing certain sexual activities!